Ah.... After my 100th post I dont even know what could I possibly ever want to write about again.. My mind has just slowed itself down...
It was as if my ideas, words have all been disolved into thin air.. As if the PASSION has finally gone...No ideas doesnt mean that I just stay home and be a fulltime fat couch-potato.. The 'fat' word still aplies though...Life has been going on, not without its bumpiness. The first two months of the year 2007 has not really been a happy one although I may sound a bit of pessimist if not to wonder what 'disaster' would knock on my door in the next 10 months or so..
One thing that I realy can realise now is that I'm getting older by the minute.. Time flies literally, if it was just like yesterday that I remembered we celebrated the dawnimg of a new year. An d now its already full throtle going into the third month.. Its my blog after all so I can admit that I myself felt scared not the 'I'm a chicken kinda scared' but 'scared to wonder what may come in my later years'... though I'm getting older I still am younger than most of you out there ahem..^^
When we were still a little child everything seems simple... Everything is great though not all are perfect.. But now when after years soughting after the simple word 'FREEDOM' and when we finally get it (even a touch of it as I may say in my case), the joy linger for a while and then we are zapped back to reality. Its as if the word Freedom was great buddies together with responsibilities, burden, hard choices even when it looks like a simple one to make....
Its like We were happy in the sun and when the rain falls we realize nothing is forever...
Only James Bond will say diamonds are forever but in reality something that we cherish if not taken care of will be GONE...poof...in one single second..
Now when every step we make represents a great leap in our life, that ALL of us I'm sure realize... But then we still want to make stupid decisions, for what bloody reasons I dont know but its just something we, especially teenagers do... We want it, we know its wrong, we realise the consequences and yet WE DO IT.... we are dumb I agree to that.. even ads took advantage of that ^^...NIKE really knew what they were thinking when it emblazones the motto JUST DO IT...truly Nothing is Impossible said AdiDassler, when we want it we can get it but its just sometimes we think we want it and we'll do anything for it but then we get so 'fogged up' that we forgot bout it..
I've just lived only 18 plus years in this world (and I still got a long long way to go) and yet it felt like it was nothing, meaningless...
'Life is like a poor actor, who struts and frets and then is heard no more'- a random pick from a poem I learned from my schooldays... (hopefully I got it right, anyway who wrote the poem a?)
Hopefully the fire of my life would soon be lighted up again...
Tiny Talk
I won my college's British style debate with my friend Jerome... very surprised, come to think of it I prepared for the debate only 5 minutes before it started..shockingly scared...
guess what the debate motion was? LOVE IS BLIND, MARRIAGE IS AN EYE-OPENER!
Need to keep down on my drinking habits.. too bad too young... erm is there any AlcoholicsAnonymous here in Kuching a?
Been going to the gym at fit4life near eastmore third mile, meet me there Kuchingites...^^"swt
College prom coming soon!!...gotta do the posters now..sigh*
Kinda deep thought for a 18 going on19 year old huh? peace and out..
The new apple is IN!!! (erm hopefully)grin*
Passion of life..gone...hopefully not forever..
Post Number 100
This is gonna be my 100th post....
So its gonna be real short....
Because love has everything to do in our life..
So just LOVE..
Tiny Talk
1) College is boring
2) Life is boring
3) I need something
4) To bring back the fun
5) Bring me to life - Evanescence
Journey to the Gading Mountain
My cousin turned 19 a few days ago and what more fun way to celebrate turning 19 in this new youngster era than have a run-away party away from all the naggings and 'cant do' of adults.... Can you even fathom the fun cum disaster that would be created when crazy people gather without supervision of adults!!!!
After bookings and plannings and shoppings, we were set to got to Gunung Gading Resort for our party. It was chosen for no particular reason at all, or just maybe the sight of a waterfall appeals to us all. But at the start of the journey Lady Luck was not on our side, stuffs happen which if faced by normal people would have hindered them. Luckily we were a bit on the abnormal side so we fought against all odds to continue our journey... Flood at a few places, police blocks, car was leaking and had to be sent to the garage, even the front mirror viper suddenly got stucked (whats the chances of that happening, 0.1% to 10% only i guess)..
Anyway we continued with self-promises to each other bout the great weekend that was planned.
Wat more when its chocolate cake...
Wira interior- notice the eggshell on the top-left corner...^^
Starch flour really did their 'thing'...
When we stopped at Lundu's wet market, the fishmongers questioned us.. Maybe they were wondering whether there was a wet-war going on somewhere out there!! I couldnt resist but replied "Tahi burung Garuda kot!!"....(Maybe its the Garuda bird's shit).. Garuda is supposedly a mythological giant bird.
When we arrived at our chalet, everyone started to unpack and set up the place...
And then just minutes after arriving, the first bottle of liquor was opened!!!....
We finished 14 bottles of liquor, chickens and pork bbq (although some of the pork mysteriously gone bad) And the rest? They are HISTORy now....
nude models pack of cards courtesy of the resort security..I meant it..
Tiny talk
1) Major sabotage occured at 2 areas the day after that, while one area was damaged beyond repairs, another I heard managed to be salvaged...
2) There werre more pictures but just too damn lazy to post them up..lol
3) Life goes on, dont ACT too much...that sucks big time..