Time flies many times too fast lately.. The hang of NewYear hasnt even been over and now its time for Chinese New year... I doubt i'd be able to go visiting back home so this is my CNY post for all of my friends.....
The year of the Rat is near...
As we age and join the Rat raceI'm 20 this year aarghh,
hope our friendship will remain forever near..
An orange or two as a give for you,
eventhough it has no taste but texture will do...
Hopefully the year of the Rat will bring Fortune to all of you..
Regardless of wherever we shall be, you, my friend shall always be...
1) Its sort of no tune poem but nevertheless its an original..hehe^^
2) Happy Chinese New Year to all of you...
3) GOng Xi Fa Cai.. hong pao na lai!!!
5 Apples dropped:
cool blog! happy CNY to you;-)
Hello! Where r you? No update?
Happy CNY belated. :P
I loved this blog. Thank you.
To avoid such a tragedy happening again, and for the salvation of our children, we are doing a worldwide campaign, displaying the image of NURIN JAZLIN JAZIMIN in blogs all over the world on 25th April 2008. Let's not forget NURIN JAZLIN.
Untuk mengelak tragedi sama berulang kembali, dan demi keselamatan anak-anak kita, kami sedang menganjurkan kempen ke seluruh dunia, memaparkan gambar NURIN JAZLIN JAZIMIN di blog-blog di seluruh dunia pada 25 April 2008. Janganlah kita melupakan NURIN JAZLIN.
soorry for the unnotified leave of absence k people...
I'm uprooting myself from kuching to miri so be patient.. i'll resume blogging once settled.. k..peace
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