........Discovering the Niche of a BlueApple........ Renovatio Rebirth Renacimiento Shinsei


High School Fight...^_^

Thursday, July 13, 2006 by Chemical Apple

Another High School fight???
what izzit with the students nowadays????

You gotta admit that was kinda CREATIVE.....
with the effect and stuffs... the fellas could make one heck of an filem director....

suddenly-video-crazy-apple signing off.....^^

Filed under having  

2 Apples dropped:

=) said...

hey, that's my high school...i can recognize the badge, the building...they r form5 students base on that building they r in..and i was in that building 5 years ago..haha...from penang

Chemical Apple said...

cool act....
that must be some school u have there...
one of the best student-made video i've ever seen... hahah