........Discovering the Niche of a BlueApple........ Renovatio Rebirth Renacimiento Shinsei



Thursday, June 29, 2006 by Chemical Apple

I juz realised that there was a great variety of people viewing me blog...
And here i was thinking that my blog is only viewed by my friends....

not that i dont want people to view it (continue viewing it eh everybody)... have to grip the facts first a....
Thats the whole point of a blog anyway (letting others view our point of view, which by the way is mostly wrong).....
Sitemeter proved usefull too....could track all people who viewed my blog(thats how i got to know a)...thanks
vagus (got it from ur blog at the first place)...
tats all guys (and gals)....^^

the apple that turned blue signing off...
12:39 AM

Filed under having  

2 Apples dropped:

Piffles said...

they read your blog? that's good!
i have too many visitors who spend 0 seconds at mine, and it irritates me. =P

Chemical Apple said...

i think so..^^