........Discovering the Niche of a BlueApple........ Renovatio Rebirth Renacimiento Shinsei


SanTuBonG the Mountain

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 by Chemical Apple

what a view.... (looks like volcano or not?)
what do u think lies beneath the thick greenery? another big-foot species???....
p/s anybody got plans for jungle-trekking; camping etc???
Japan lost to Australia in a thrilling match...1-3...and Australia was trailing the Japs till the final minutes....Cahill's the HERO of course....to all Japanese fans, Blerk......

Filed under having  

2 Apples dropped:

Piffles said...

hmm.. that's where they had the international music fest last year? friend asked me to go there for trekking too, but i hear it's not that fantastic? dunno la.

Chemical Apple said...

yea....thats it...
the Rainforest Music FEstival...
this year also got a...(mabe i'll go)^^
but forgotten when a....
never went trekking there so still dunt know how fantastic it is...