........Discovering the Niche of a BlueApple........ Renovatio Rebirth Renacimiento Shinsei



Thursday, May 18, 2006 by Chemical Apple

i've just woke up(about an hour ago)... when to bed at 6 am.. watched BARCA defeat ARSENAL in the champions league final....
felt as if i could've slept for ages... but had to pull myself up cause got math lecture today...
i suck in math but always wondered why my result is quite good(for someone who never revised constantly).. just cant concentrate enough...
then i checked my e-mail(eyes still kinda groggy) and then WHOA...
YOU HAVE 40 NEW MAILs...wanted to delete the stuff without looking but then i decided to at least skim through the whole bundle...
guess what i've found>>>>THE SEX FAIRY.... kinda make my eyes lit up...
at first thought it was just some rubbish scam+porn...but then i realised that it was the GOODNESS(at last somebody got some sense to research on the plus side effect of SEX) of sex.
i've cut and pasted it right under this post..

now want go and have a bite before i go for lecture...
may post something tonight if free...

2)now that we know the plus-side of sex... any girls available tonight? ehem... ;p

Filed under having  

2 Apples dropped:

Chemical Apple said...

'itch libe dich'----i wonder wat that is....
DA VINCI CODE mabe????
who knows....

Anonymous said...

Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.